
Is Your Pet Prepared for Emergencies?

Would you know how to protect your pet in an emergency? Follow these tips from a veterinarian to ensure your pet has everything they need to feel secure and safe before, during and after any crisis. When disaster strikes, having a plan in place and ready kit can make all the difference for the health of your pet!
Is Your Pet Prepared for Emergencies?

Written By: Dr. Rucker, Veterinary Advisor

Are You & Your Pet Prepared for Disasters?

During a global pandemic, your family’s health and safety are top of mind - which includes your furry family, too. Your pets depend on you for their lives.

Preparation includes having a disaster plan in place in the event of a crisis. Emergencies can come in many forms, including floods, fires, storms, and earthquakes, and they can happen when we least expect it. What will you do to help protect your furry bestie during an emergency?

Pet parents: Follow these safety tips to ensure your pet has everything they need to feel secure and safe before, during and after any crisis.

Secure Medicines and Pack First Aid Kit, Records, and Documents

Before any disaster, make sure you have all your pet’s vital documents (vet records, microchip, etc.), contact information for you or your friends and relatives, and a recent photo of your pet in case you get separated. Pack any medicines including flea, tick, and heartworm treatments.

Additionally, I recommend stocking up on supplements that may help promote a healthy immune system response to seasonal, and environmental factors that may change when you leave your familiar surroundings. On top of packing your pet’s medications, assemble an emergency first aid kit that should include gauze pads, bandages, and antibiotic ointment.

Emergency Pet Kit

At all times, pet parents should have an emergency pet kit set aside with at least three days of food and water ready to go. Grab your pet’s food and water bowls, a manual can opener (if your pets eat canned foods) and be sure to keep dry food in air-tight containers.

You may also want to pack familiar items such as toys, blankets, and bedding. While they’re not 100% necessary, these extra creature comforts may help console your pet and make them feel calmer in case of a disaster. In case of stressful events or separation anxiety, I recommend using calming products, which may promote a sense of relaxation and calmness for dogs or cats.

Dealing with the Aftermath of an Emergency

After any emergency, it’s essential to help your pet adjust in the aftermath of a disaster if they are confused or disoriented. The Red Cross recommends packing a leash, collar, and harness as a must-have for your pet to avoid any separation (Make sure your pet’s collar has their I.D). Don’t forget sanitation and cleaning supplies to clean up after your pet or any surrounding areas in the event of debris from a natural disaster.

There are also several pet rescue stickers that owners can look into in case of any separation. If you and your pet are separated, contact your local animal control office to report them missing.

Even if you are not experiencing any emergency or natural disaster at the moment, it’s crucial to have a plan to be prepared for your pet and to be up to date on the latest news.

Have any other emergency tips that have worked for you to prepare for your pet? Share your tip with us in the comments section of our latest Instagram Post using #ZestyPaws.