
5 Best Tips to Calm Your Stressed Dog

To help your dog deal with their "me-time" better (and even enjoy it), here are five tips to help soothe your pup's separation troubles.

5 Best Tips to Calm Your Stressed Dog

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There's nothing tougher than coming home after a long day's work to find your house in shambles because your pup is struggling with separation.

Not only is the cleanup a nightmare, but it's also sad to see that our canine companion can't handle being away from us for very long. So, what's a pet parent to do?

To help your dog deal with their "me-time" better (and even enjoy it), here are five tips to help soothe your pup's separation troubles.

1. Exercise Your Dog

One of the best ways to reduce separation anxiety is to dedicate 30 minutes to give your dog some exercise. By doing so, you’ll not only keep them physically fit, but you’ll also tire them out and work up their appetite. Then, when it’s time to leave, your dog will be more concerned about food and napping than where you’re going.

In other words, this helps your pup associate their time alone as an opportunity to rest, relax, and feast like royalty.

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2. Change How You Leave

Your dog knows you like the back of their paw. Whether it’s from your work uniform, your morning alarm, or the jingling of your keys, you’re getting that sad “I know you’re leaving” face for a reason. So, why not try tweaking some of your habits?

For example, instead of grabbing your keys and bee-lining for the door, take your keys and go sit on the couch for a few minutes. This, along with other small changes to your patterns can break negative associations that cause dread from your loving (and highly observant) canine companion.

3. Don't Make Leaving a Big Deal

It’s not uncommon to feel guilty when your dog knows you’re leaving soon. But, that can lead to sorrowful goodbye ceremonies with apologies, kisses, and consoling – all while using your sad “I’m so sowwy” voice. Oh, you know the voice we're talking about!

Thing is, this can actually perpetuate separation anxiety by conditioning dogs to associate your departure as a sad experience. So instead, say goodbye with cheerful energy, a big smile, and even a belly rub to leave on a higher note!

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4. Practice Separation During Off-Days

There’s nothing like enjoying a hard-earned day off with your dog by your side. But, try to take advantage of that time with some periodic separation training.

Start by spending 10-20 minutes in another room with the door closed to help your dog become more comfortable with space apart. Next, practice walking in and out of the front door for a few minutes, while gradually increasing the intervals so that leaving and returning will become more ordinary and manageable for your pup.

5. Bring Home a New Furry Friend

If you’ve ever taken Fido to a dog park, or let them play with a friend’s dog, you probably saw a different (and fun) side of your pup. So, when it comes to their separation anxiety, bringing home another dog can help yours feel a lot happier when you’re out for work, shopping, or a fun night out. Whether you go with a breeder or the adoption route, we're sure your doggy would love having a new brother or sister to keep them company while you’re away.

We hope these tips will come in handy for pet parents that want to help their dogs overcome separation anxiety, but there are plenty of other great methods that are worth trying as well. Just be sure to consult a veterinarian for more information about your pet's specific temperament.

If you have any comments, tips of your own, or questions about our calming supplements, tell us below! You can also reach out to us at (800)-940-1972 or